Tourist Information

Things to Do in YARM Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in YARM. This includes YARM restaurant, YARM taxi, YARM attraction, YARM things to do, YARM pub, YARM cafe, YARM cafe, YARM attraction and more...

Yarm Osteopaths

89 High Street Yarm TS15 9BG - Yarm Osteopaths is a professional, friendly and approachable team of qualified practitioners, experts in muscular and skeletal pain reduction and maintenance programmes. The clinic has treated...

Hairtek Ltd

1 Fairfax Court Yarm TS15 9QZ - Full range of hairdressing. Seperate ladies and gents stylist's. Air conditioned salon. Wella appointed salon. Tigi appointed salon

Studio 21 Yarm

2nd Floor, 21 High Street, Yarm TS15 9BW - We offer Pilates classes and more, get fit and have fun! Classes suitable for all levels of fitness and males and females.

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