Tourist Information

Things to Do in SOMERTON Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in SOMERTON. This includes SOMERTON restaurant, SOMERTON taxi, SOMERTON attraction, SOMERTON things to do, SOMERTON pub, SOMERTON cafe, SOMERTON cafe, SOMERTON attraction and more...

Westville House Antiques

Littleton Somerton TA11 6NP - Westville House Antiques specialise in antique Country Pine furniture from the Georgian and Victorian periods. We have our own parking. A warm welcome awaits.

Glastonbury Ales

11 Wessex Park, Somerton Business Park Somerton TA11 6SB - Craft Microbrewery brewing real ales and making real ciders. Open to the public - brewery shop , FREE tastings. call in advance on 07768 658352 Open Mon - Friday and Saturday mornings for...

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