Tourist Information

Things to Do in Dumfries and Galloway Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Dumfries and Galloway. This includes Dumfries-and-Galloway restaurant, Dumfries-and-Galloway taxi, Dumfries-and-Galloway attraction, Dumfries-and-Galloway things to do, Dumfries-and-Galloway pub, Dumfries-and-Galloway cafe, Dumfries-and-Galloway cafe, Dumfries-and-Galloway attraction and more...

Hidden Treasures, Museum of Lead Mining

Wanlockhead Dumfries and Galloway ML12 6SX - Hidden Treasures, Museum of Lead Mining, is situated in Wanlockhead, which is the highest village in Scotland, we are 1531 feet above sea level. At the museum we have our Visitor Centre, Tour of...

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