Tourist Information

Things to Do in Downpatrick Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Downpatrick. This includes Downpatrick restaurant, Downpatrick taxi, Downpatrick attraction, Downpatrick things to do, Downpatrick pub, Downpatrick cafe, Downpatrick cafe, Downpatrick attraction and more...

Castle Ward National Trust

Strangford Downpatrick BT30 7LS - Situated ½ mile from Strangford village, 7 miles from Downpatrick on the road to Strangford. Entrance signposted from Downpatrick. The Caravan Park is situated on an 820 acre National Trust...

Eclipse Cinemas

5 Owenbeg Avenue Downpatrick BT30 6FJ - Eclipse Cinemas Downpatrick is a state of the art cinema with 6 screens and over 1000 seat capacity. We offer fantastic rates, luxury American Rocker seats, a fabulous loyalty scheme, 3d movies,...


Unit 12, Down Businesss Park Downpatrick BT30 9UP - NiBizNet provides IT services to Business and home users. Specialists in network solutions and business maintenance we provide a complete IT solution for SMEs in Northern Ireland. Call us for a...

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