Tourist Information

Things to Do in Castlegregory Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Castlegregory. This includes Castlegregory restaurant, Castlegregory taxi, Castlegregory attraction, Castlegregory things to do, Castlegregory pub, Castlegregory cafe, Castlegregory cafe, Castlegregory attraction and more...

Korky the Clown

51 Crampton Buildings,Temple Bar Laoghaire Castlegregory - Korky the clown entertains children ages 3 to 8 years old by performing majic,face painting, balloon modelling and playing party games with prizes. Face painting korky has worked for such...

Castlegregory golf club

stradbally castlegregory - Picturesque 9-hole links golf course under the shade of Mount Brandon. The course is flanked between the scenic Lough Gill (with its 400 swans) and Brandon Bay on the stunning Dingle Peninsula....

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