Places to Stay Bingley, Mobile within 20miles of Bingley, West Yorkshire, Bingley, BD16

0798 6396755
Prices at Bingley from Classes £4.50/session, Private from £35/session Here at Aspire4Healthcom we help everday people to achieve their everyday aims. Whether they want fat/weight-loss? Muscle definition/tone? run a marathon? or perhaps receive help managing back aches/pain? or short/long-term injuries? Whatever the reason a health & fitness programme can be devised to suit your specific requirements. Regardless of age, current health status, or levels of fitness our experienced and qualified personal trainer would closely guide, motivate and teach you the correct techniques to safely and efficiently achieve your goals. ALL PT sessions and/or CHI RUNNING sessions are done within a 20mile radius of Bingley, West Yorkshire; though specific arrangements can be made for larger group bookings upon request. If one-to-one training isn't for you, why not try one of our ever expanding exercise classes specifically designed for the Over 50's age group. Get active improve your overall health and manage any existing conditions by using functional exercises at an intensity to suit you .We help decrease any pain or discomfort by improving the mobility and stability of your joints and postural awareness. Some of the conditions that we have made a significant positive difference towards in the past or are currently dealing with within our ever popular classes are: Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Disease (including associated factors such as recovering from a heart attack or surgery, high blood pressure etc), Diabetes, Musculoskeletal problems (including arthritis, fibromyalgia, lower back pain or past joint/muscular injuries), Obesity and/or weight management, Chronic Respiratory Diseases (including COPD & asthma etc), Falls prevention and Psycho-social issues (including reducing anxiety/depression, and increasing self-confidence during recovery). Assurance and Peace of Mind Bingley provides fully insured one-to-one and group Health and Fitness Services which are supported by specific certifications and the latest scientific research; thus ensuring peace of mind when our clients set out to deal with their health and fitness challenges.