Tourist Information

Things to Do in Frinton on Sea Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Frinton on Sea. This includes Frinton-on-Sea restaurant, Frinton-on-Sea taxi, Frinton-on-Sea attraction, Frinton-on-Sea things to do, Frinton-on-Sea pub, Frinton-on-Sea cafe, Frinton-on-Sea cafe, Frinton-on-Sea attraction and more...

Lilleys Bakery

125 Connaught Avenue Frinton on Sea CO13 9PS - Welcome to LILLEY'S BAKERY Bakers & Confectioners of Frinton and Walton Cake Pastry sweet and savoury Roll Sandwich Baguette Bap filled or not Gluten & Wheat Free Low G.i. too & much...

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