Tourist Information

Things to Do in Bedlington Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Bedlington. This includes Bedlington restaurant, Bedlington taxi, Bedlington attraction, Bedlington things to do, Bedlington pub, Bedlington cafe, Bedlington cafe, Bedlington attraction and more...

Aerial Vision North East

16 Bishops Meadow Bedlington NE22 6JZ - Aerial Vision North East are TV Aerial & Satellite installation experts based in Bedlington and offer a Digital TV solution for the North East. We Install TV Aerial's & Satellite Systems all...

Bedlington Terriers Football Club

Dr. Pit Welfare Park, Park Road Bedlington NE22 5DP - Football Club with teams playing at various levels from 7 years old to adults. The Senior Team plays in the Northern League - Division 1, the Senior Reserve Team plays in the Northern Alliance...

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