Premier Inn

Premier Inn Roughlee

No, there is no Premier Inn in Roughlee. But don't worry, there are still lots of lovely places to stay in the area! The best hotels that are most like a Premier Inn are The Clitheroe Grand Hotel and The Northcote at Langho. They both offer great rooms with comfy beds and modern bathrooms. Plus they have great restaurants too so you can enjoy a delicious meal after a long day of exploring!

The prices at these hotels aren't exactly the same as what you'd find at a Premier Inn but they're still very reasonable. At The Clitheroe Grand Hotel you can get double rooms from around £80 per night while at The Northcote at Langho prices start from £95 per night for a double room. So if you're looking for somewhere comfortable and affordable to stay then these two hotels should definitely be on your list!

If you're really keen to stay in an actual Premier Inn then the nearest one is located about 17 miles away in Burnley, Lancashire. It's just over half an hour's drive away so it's not too far if you want to take a trip out there for the night. Prices start from around £60 per night for a standard double room so it could be worth making the journey if budget is important to you!

Overall, while there isn't any Premier Inn in Roughlee itself, there are plenty of other good options available nearby that will provide all the comfort and convenience of staying in one without having to travel too far or break your budget!