Places to Stay

The Alfred Hitchcock London Walk London

The Alfred Hitchcock London Walk, POB 59911, London, SW16 2JR


The Alfred Hitchcock London Walk
3-hour walking tour around Alfred Hitchcock London film locations. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11am. The walk segues into its 14th year. All walks led by Sandra Shevey, CEO, who interviewed Alfred Hitchcock in Hollywood in 1972. The walk concludes with a stop at the director`s favourite pub where Sandra plays soundbites from the interview and runs through original storyboards. Sandra Shevey, age 68, is a BFI Associate Tutor whose exhibition, `Alfred Hitchcock`s London Odyssey` ran for two weeks in March/April 2010 at the St. Martin`s reference library in London. Sandra is seeking other venues to run the exhibition. The exhibition is supported by The Alfred Hitchcock Walk. £45 excl Booking in advance at [email protected]