Places to Stay

Burrow Farm Gardens Axminster

Burrow Farm Gardens, Burrow Farm Gardens, Axminster, EX13 7ET


Burrow Farm Gardens
Prices at Burrow Farm Gardens Axminster from £5 Adults, £1 Children Burrow Farm Gardens Axminster is a beautifully landscaped 10 acre garden, which will appeal to both the plantsman and those seeking a relaxing walk around a tranquil garden with extensive views. Sweeping lawns lead between island beds of unusual shrubs and herbaceous plants down to the lake. The woodland garden, in a Roman clay pit with fine trees, ponds and bog garden, combines primulas, iris and other moisture lovers with the many wild flowers flourishing there. The Millennium Garden features ponds, waterfalls and a formal rill, which leads the eye to the magnificent valley and hills beyond, with mixed borders creating wonderful colour combinations. New for 2010 - the anniversary garden featuring grasses and perennials.